Odule Ayanfeoluwa

Hi, I'm Odule Ayanfeoluwa

A full-stack web developer passionate about building beautiful & interactive web applications that fits your needs


About me

This section showcases my technical skills and abilities, giving you a glimpse into my approach to crafting exceptional web experiences.

Who Am I?

I'm a full-stack web developer with a passion for crafting exceptional web experiences. My comprehensive skillset spans both front-end and back-end development, allowing me to bridge the gap between design and functionality.

I'm a firm believer in the power of knowledge sharing and collaboration within the developer community. Explore the projects section to see my work, and connect with me on Linkedin and Github to stay in touch.

I'm always eager to collaborate on exciting projects and contribute my skills to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals. If you have a project that aligns with my expertise, feel free to contact me!


My Skillset

python javascript typescript Golang django React react router html 5 CSS django rest framework git mui tailwind css node js bash github

My Work

Here are some of the projects I have created over the years, github links and links to live demos are provided when available.

1. Websandbox

An online browser based web development sandbox


python typescript django React react router django rest framework webcontainers mui tailwind css

2. Birdie

A social networking application


python javascript django React react router django rest framework mui tailwind css

3. Linkup

Djanga chatroom application powered with django, channels and websockets


python javascript django django channels ASGI Redis websockets

Contact Me

You can contact me if you have anymore questions. You can also reach out to me through any of my social handles.